Yesterday I posted fresh content to this blog for the first time in almost nine months. This is not the first time the site has gone silent, nor will it be the last. I know it is cliche to write a post that talks about how long it’s been, how I’m going to promise to do better, etc, so I’m not going to do that. I can’t make any promises, because I know this will probably happen again. All I can do is document the causes, for posterity’s sake.
This bout of silence was all due to technology not working the way I’d like it to. I’ve always known that my biggest impediment to blogging is resistance. The easier it is for me to publish my thoughts, the more likely I’ll do it. But when the tech starts to falter, it leads to one frustration after another. At a certain point it started to take up too much of my time, either due to time spent troubleshooting, or because certain tasks started to take too long to complete.
As far as I can recall, here are some of the issues I delt with. At this point I’ve managed to fix most of them, and the publishing process is now fairly smooth again. I just don’t know for how long.