Title: Mega Man X 4
Release Date: December 1995 (Japan), January 1996 (US)
Original Platform: Sega Saturn/Sony Playstation
Other Platforms: PC, and a whole bunch of other platforms via compilations
Capcom in the 90’s was a very … particular company, and in some ways Mega Man X 4 is an example of “Peak 90’s Capcom”. After three games on the Super Nintendo, the Mega Man X subseries managed to tell a complete story arc. The creative folks at Capcom had seemingly gotten bored (having outsourced development after only two games). Critics were finding the formula to be getting stale. By all appearances, this would have been the perfect time to wrap it up and focus on new projects.
But Capcom in the 90’s didn’t quit, possibly because they didn’t know when to quit. The company was notorious for cranking out sequel after sequel, even when it looked like an IP was dead as a doornail. So while the Mega Man X games could have, and maybe should have ended, they did anything but.
Enter Mega Man X4, a game that arrived when the series was already out of gas, yet which somehow became the midpoint of the franchise. So what, if anything does it to in order to stay relevant? It arguably does a fine job of changing with the times, specifically by becoming the kind of game that would appeal to the new demographics of the Playstation Generation. Unfortunately, that means an experience that misguidedly places an emphasis on being “cool” and “mature” over the careful design and craftsmanship that defines the very best Mega Man games. It looks, sounds, plays, and plays out like a complete mess. An edgy mess, but a mess nonetheless.