Gunpla Build - Gundam Heavyarms (Part 3)

These final sections of the Heavyarms were the easiest to build. For one reason or another there simply wasn’t a lot of painting or detailing to do.


Like the chest, and the legs, the shoulders are filled with ordinance. This time though, there wasn’t any need for painting. I applied some gunmetal weathering compound, and that was that:

Throw some panel lining on the exterior flaps, and you’re done!

Combat Knife

I was trying to go for a two-toned, matte/gloss look for the knife. Unfortunately I got a bit sloppy. The paints started to bleed into each other, and I applied the matte and gloss coats in reverse order.

Thankfully, this is a simple piece, so it was easy to fix things up and get it looking better.


The right arm features a peg that the knife plugs into:

As you can see, the left arm has no such extension, but otherwise looks the same:

Now we get to a fun question - is Heavyarms supposed to have a full left arm underneath its Gatling gun, or not? This illustration says “yes”:

But the infamous “hidden beam saber” scene from the anime says “no”:

If we split the difference, then perhaps the true answer is “yes, but Heero took the arm off to add the hidden beam saber during that one particular fight”.

Honestly, I wish they would have swapped the full arm with the beam saber holster. Heavyarms has no handheld weapons; if you take off the Gatling gun, it suddenly feels extremely outgunned. Sure, it still has guns built into it, but none of them are its primary weapons.

Hidden Beam Saber

While it isn't quite the same, you can recreate the "secret beam saber" scene by sticking the saber handle into the hand socket.


The shield is a single piece of plastic. It has a nice shape and some detailing, but there’s not much else to it.

I am perfectly OK with this shield. That’s because it isn’t really there to act as a shield, but rather to supplement the gatling gun. As we are about to see, the gun itself looks a little bit puny on its own. The shield adds some much needed bulk.

Gatling Gun

I don’t know why I expected this to be so complicated, but it isn’t. In fact, it is ridiculously simple:

You don’t even need the instructions to figure out how to put it together.

Once assembled, this is what we get:

I like that it has a handle (though I don’t remember if it was ever used in the show). But back to my earlier point - the gun looks really slight without the shield, so let’s get it on there:

Much better!

To attach the gun, you simply remove the left holding hand and slide it right up and onto the arm:


That does it for the build. In the final post, we’ll put Heavyarms through the paces.