Gunpla Build - High Grade Barzam (Part 2)

We now return to our regularly scheduled build.


We start by creating the base of the shoulder:

Then adding the outer armor:

To finish, we have to paint the inside of this vent red:

Now for the arms. We start with this pile of parts:

And put them together into an inner frame:

This was a bit tricky. That armor around the wrist is oddly shaped, and for some reason I found it hard to get everything to fit together.

Once the frame is complete, we add a tiny bit of blue armor, and then assemble the upper arm as well:

You can’t see them here, but the beam sabers are stored in the blue wrist armor.

Now the upper half of the Barzam is done:

Looking great so far!


The Barzam comes with two pairs of hands - one open, one closed. And they're surprisingly big and chunky to boot.


The feet are the simplest section so far:

There’s just not a lot to them, nor is there even a lot of detail underneath:

But hey, they do bend!


Hooo boy. There’s a lot going on here, and I didn’t do a great job photographing it.

To start, we have the inner frame and a bit of the armor:

Which goes together like this:

Then we have to add some more armor to cover it up:

But that’s not all. There’s a bunch of additional pieces which decorate the exterior:

There’s a few things going on in this final photo:

  1. This is the only place I could think of to fit some waterslide decals
  2. I had to paint the inside of the vent red
  3. We’ve got another set of pistons here. I almost left them be, as I’ve had a hard time in the past painting pistons like this that show up in legs and feet. But I went for it anyway, and this time it worked out pretty well.
  4. There are some grooves running on each side of the leg that are supposed to be painted black.

I’m not really sure what to think about the legs. They’re impressively detailed, but they’re also kind of busy. I’m not sure if needed so much yellow, or even quite so much red.

Putting it all together

Here now is the completed Barzam:

As always, we’ll wrap up with the photoshoot.