Super Dilanza Bros - Guel's Dilanza (Photos)

I have no idea what’s going on with the color of this model. From most of the of the places I’ve viewed it, the lighting makes it look like a much darker shade of magenta than it does in the show. For reference, here is the lineart:

And here again is how the parts looked on my floor

Here is a photo of the side of the box, which I took outside to get some different lighting:

And lastly, here it is in the lightbox without any tweaks to the exposure or brightness:

That looks darker, right? Am I crazy for thinking that?

And yet, here is the finished model outside:

That looks much better.

And here it is in the lightbox after adjusting some settings on the image:

That looks better too.

This is literally the exact same problem that the Dilanza Sol has, and I think it’s weird that it’s happened twice in a row.

Whatever. Let’s get some good photos and (finally) wrap up this series of builds.

Like Lauda’s Dilanza, this one suffers from having a two handed weapon that it lacks the articulation to properly wield. So rather than fight against this limitation to come up with some good poses, all I did for this photoshoot was recreate the poses that are on the side of the box and in the instruction book (plus a few others for good measure).

Is it lazy of me? You bet. But it made for a more pleasant experience.

Also, for some of the poses, I took two different shots - one with the standard green beam, and one with the red beam from the expansion set:

Initially I was concerned that the red beam would look too similar in color to the body of the mobile suit, but I actually think it looks pretty good.

The beam effect part for the Beam Partisan is extremely large, and it made it difficult to frame certain shots, so I took a few where the Partisan is deactivated:

Still looks kind of cool.

And last but not least, the pose from the front of the box:

And from a different angle!

And with different focus!

One final note - by the end of this photoshoot, the joints started getting creaky, just like on both of the previous Dilanzas. It’s just something about the nature of their design, and I’m not too happy about that.


That’s it folks. That’s all of the Super Dilanza Bros.

I’m feeling so many mixed emotions. I still think these kits look pretty darn good in the end, and I still think that Jeturk Heavy Machinery makes the best looking mobile suits in the Ad Stella timeline.

But the GWitch High Grade line keeps leaving a bad taste in my mouth. They may end up looking okay in the end, but they have a lot of problems. And I think I’m ready to move on from them (except for the one kit I have left to build. You can probably guess which one it is).

Which is kind of funny, because that’s pretty much how I felt about the show itself.

One more thing before I go - I’m proud of myself for building all three of these back-to-back-to-back. It’s something I tried to do with my Core Gundams, but I ended up petering out. I still have a few left undone on the backlog, so it felt like a win to not fall into that trap once more.