Gunpla Build - Real Grade Build Strike Full Package (Photos)

It’s time now to check out the now finished Build Strike Full Package.


Oh, what is it 1/144th scale Sei Iori?

My Gunpla isn’t complete! I’m still working on the Build Booster.

So it’s just like the show then. Okay folks, instead let’s start off by looking at just the Build Strike:

To reiterate, this is the first time I’ve built a Real Grade model using a full set of waterslide decals, as well as using Mr. Super Clear topcoat. I was expecting the final result to look better, but not like this. This is on another level.

I thought I already knew and appreciated Real Grades, but I guess I was wrong. This right here is the potential that the grade truly embodies, and my is blown all over again.

It almost makes me wish I could go back and time and redo all my old RGs like this. I’ve just been in awe of it ever since I finished.

This is the best looking kit of 2024 so far, and it’s not even close (though of course who knows what the future holds).

About the Visual Design

Everything I said before still holds true. I think the Build Strike a better looking design than the original Strike. It feels more old school and classic, without abandoning the spiky, angular aesthetic that defines most Gundam SEED designs.

But also, this is a Real Grade, and Real Grades typically make additional tweaks to each mobile suit. We see plenty of examples of that here, and in my opinion they’re all for the better.

I’m talking things like the use of clear plastic where there previously wasn’t any, the additional detailing on the legs, and the new grey vents in the shoulder armor.

All of these things add more layers of texture and intricacy without betraying the original design.


Here’s the good news - the model hasn’t fallen victim to Early Real Grade Syndrome. At least, not yet. All the joints have been good and stiff.

Now here’s the bad news - even if their joints are healthy, Real Grades are still small, delicate things with lots of little parts. And those parts are prone to falling off during poses. In the case of this here Build Strike, these were the worst culprits:

  • The feet. Both of them kept plopping straight down onto the ground
  • The skirt armor, both front and back. On the plus side, the side skirts stayed put!
  • Weridly enough, the arms frequently popped right off the shoulder socket
  • One of the cannons on the Build Booster likes to fall off. It’s a weird joint that honestly doesn’t look like it should work, so I guess this isn’t too surprising

And on top of that, The mounting peg on the Beam Rifle broke off inside one of the holding hands. I had to switch to using the special hand (the one with the separately articulated thumb and index finger) for holding the gun, but without the mounting peg to keep it in place, I had to get those tiny little digits wrapped as tightly around the grip as possible to keep it straight and secured.

All of which is to say that I didn’t take all that many photos - at a certain point it stopped being worth it to fight with the model. Though to be fair, this has never felt like the kind of mobile suit that lends itself to lots of super dynamic action poses, but rather a handful of big “epic” looking ones (though you will have to decide for yourself whether my poses are sufficiently “epic” enough).

Hey Sei, is the Build Booster ready yet?

Yep, I just finished it up!

Build Booster

It wasn’t until I finished it that I appreciated that the Build Booster is basically a model kit unto itself.

And I don’t just mean that because it can exist separate from the Build Strike. The level of detail, as well as the amount of articulation on this thing, is truly impressive.

I’m not saying they should have sold it as a standalone kit, but if the price was right I think they absolutely could have.

If you look closely enough, you’ll see some turbines inside the engine compartment

Let’s get it on an Action Base for a few flying shots:

I’m very impressed with the Build Booster - and we haven’t even strapped it to the Build Strike yet!

Speaking of which - let’s dock them!

Sounds good Sei!

Transforming the Build Booster is relatively simple. The nose of the ship tucks down and away, the wings rotate 90 degrees so they face upward, and you do a little bit of nipping and tucking of the cannons to get them in position:

Okay Sei, are you ready?

Ready! Let’s say it

Here we go ….

Build Strike Full Package ready to launch!





The Build Strike Full Package truly looks majestic, but if it was fiddly and difficult to pose before, this only makes it worse. I did a few “big” poses and then quit while I was ahead.

Anyway, let’s give it back its weapons:

This confirms my fear that while the Beam Rifle looks really cool, it also looks a bit too small in the hands of the model.

The shield on the other hand looks great:

Now for those action poses:

Sadly, with the mounting peg broken on the Beam Pistol, it is now extremely difficult to equip the Enhanced Beam Rifle. It’s just too big and heavy, and it weighs down the holding hand (that’s why I’m doing a two handed pose here. It needs that extra support)

Finally, a quick pose with the beam cannons out:

It basically works the same as the Gundam F91’s VSBRs. Except this is a little easier due to the handles being so large and easy to grip:


Despite having a lot of the problems that are endemic to Real Grades, and despite being a bit tricky to pose, I am still stunned by how this model turned out. If this is what Real Grades can look like with a bit of extra TLC, I can’t wait to build some more.