Lets not beat around the bush - I’m underwhelmed by this model:
I want to like it more. I really do! But it’s just not doing it for me.
It feels … inconsistent. The legs have tons of intricate surface detail, but the upper half of the body does not. It feels bifurcated, as if someone took a more classic and a more modern Gundam design and fused them together.
The other problem is the head. I don’t really like the shape, and I don’t like the fact that, even from a minor angle, the eyes are obscured:
It looks like it’s wearing a baseball cap or something. I’ll admit that I don’t like how many modern interpretations of the Gundam make it look overly mean, but this one goes too far in the opposite direction. It doensn’t look threatening at all.
Things only get worse once you add the weapons:
The shield is not supposed to be that big. On closer inspection, I think it’s the correct height, but it’s much wider than usual. I don’t like that. I also think the Beam Rifle looks slightly bigger than it should.
Not to mention that the whole “yellow sticker behind clear plastic” for the sight just doesn’t work at all. There’s no pop to it:
Okay, how about switching to the Middle Type Rifle?
Sadly I don’t think it looks as cool once it’s equipped. It looks a bit too much like a heavy machine gun or something, and just isn’t a good match for the Gundam’s Super Robot aesthetic.
At least the Hyper Bazooka looks on point:
Think of it this way - normally, when I look at most variations of the Grandaddy Gundam, they make me feel something. It’s the same sense of heroism and excitement that one might get by looking at a classic Super Robot of days gone by.
I don’t get those feelings from this model. It’s just kind of there. And that’s a real shame.
I didn’t really push this model to its limits, which seems to be a trend now with me and Master Grade builds. But the reason I didn’t push the Zeta Ver. Ka was because I didn’t want to break it. The reason I didn’t push this model is that I just didn’t care.
Still, I tried a few poses out. Seems to me that there’s some pretty good range here if you want it:
Effect Parts
Here are some photos showing off all the clear effect parts in action:
It’s a great idea, and I’m glad they were included; I just wish they had a better model to go along with.
Hidden Leg Thrusters
I figured I ought to open these up and at least show you where they are:
Comparisons with 1⁄144 Scale Models
This Master Grade model may have a size advantage over these other models, but I think they all have a better style:
Each one is visually interesting in its own unique way.
At the very least they make me feel something.
Opinions on these things are obviously subjective, but I’m sad at just how blah I’m feeling about this build. I certainly hope others get more enjoyment out of it than I have.
Time to move forward to the next build.