Gunpla Build - High Grade Gundam Astaroth Origin (Photos)

If you followed along with this build, you probably noticed that I was less than diligent in taking work-in-progress photos. That usually means one of two things - either the build was a ton of fun, or it wasn’t.

This was a case of the latter.

Case in point - I actually started this build in mid-January, before beginning the Gaza C, only to shelve if for a month. And when I finally got back to it, I found myself a bit overwhelmed by how many different things I needed to do to so many different parts. Top coating, panel lining, color correction, weathering, etc. Every time I thought I was done, I realized something that I had missed.

In the end I was so worried about getting it right that I lacked the bandwith to remember to document it.

I’ve also come to the conclusion that there’s a hidden psychological toll that comes from building these High Grade IBO kits. Let me put it this way: the High Grade ZII I just built is a slightly-pricier-than-normal that goes out of its way to be as color accurate as possible out of the box. It’s not 100%, but the bits you have to paint are things that you’d have to paint on pretty much any High Grade. Even if it’s difficult (and believe me, some of the painting on the ZII was quite challenging), I don’t mind it, because I understand.

But that’s just not the case with High Grade IBO. Iron Blooded Orphans is filled with some very intricate, mechanical-looking mobile suits. Yet at the same time, Bandai decided to put an unreasonably low price ceiling on most of the High Grade models, while also producing almost zero Master Grades. What that means is that you have a whole lot of sub-$20 models that have to cut a ton of corners - including color accuracy - in order to get down to that price point. Whereas if more of the HG IBOs were priced the same as the ZII, they probably would have been much better building experiences.

And it’s that knowing - knowing that it could have been better - that gets stuck in my craw and bothers my psychologically. I should probably take this as a sign to stop building IBO kits, especially since I have all of my favorites.

Anyway, having said all that, I do think it came out great.

I think all of the Astaroth designs are far more interesting than other IBO Gundams, including Barbatos in all its forms. This one in particular feels a bit less demonic and a bit more like a mecha. Which isn’t to say that it doesn’t look demonic, just that it strikes a better balance.

On the other hand, there’s an argument to be made that most of the weapons and accessories in the IBO universe - even on the good designs - are just a little too ridiculous and edgelord.

The idea of wielding a big hammer like this seems great in theory, until you try to take some photos and you realize that may, just maybe, it’s actually comically large.

Here is the Astaroth in its flight mode, with its tailwing up and its wings unfurled:

It’s … okay, I guess. It almost looks like it has a hanglider strapped to its back.

Though from other angles it looks like a nice set of wings, and seem fitting for midair poses:

I forgot to point this out during the build, but the model actually comes with a third holding hand, which is a rarity for High Grade IBO kits. It’s an angled hand that’s meant for holding the shotgun straight ahead.

That’s nice and all, but I’ve come to the realization that most IBO mobile suits look awkward with a gun in their hand.

The guns are usually too big to look convincing when wielded in one hand, but also too small to be wielded in two (not like it would matter, since most of these IBO kits never come with any sort of open palm hand for a two-handed pose)

(Can you tell that I’m having as much fun during this shoot than I did during the build? I can never get these IBO models to look as badass as they’re supposed to be)

Let’s wrap up by pulling out the sword:

This is such a simple weapon, and the size is right, so it was by far the easiest to work with:

It’s funny; when I got the kit, I initially thought that the sword would look the most out of place. But it turns out that I like it the best:

Weapon Holster

I almost forgot - the model comes with a holster that can store both the weapons on the hip:

Comparison to the Darilbalde

Here they are - the two brothers from another mother:

You can definitely tell that they come from the same mecha designer.

Comparison to the Astaroth (non-Origin)

And here it is compared to the original (but not “Origin”) Astaroth:

OG Astaroth is a very old build, and it was one of the first time I started to experiment with different textures and finishes and color correction, so it’s a bit worse for wear.

More interesting is just how different they look. Aside from some bits and pieces of the head, I don’t think the OG Astaroth has any of its original parts as seen on the Origin version.

Not even those red things on the back of its legs are original parts, despite the fact that they’re red. This poor thing really was picked clean.


This is easily the best looking IBO kit I’ve built so far, and it gets big points for that. But as an overall experience, it still suffered from all the usual paint points of the High Grade IBO line. Like I said before, I think it’s time to end on a high note and quit the line for good.

Well, maybe not quite yet. There’s still one more on the backlog. Might as well get around to building it come March.